Apple is once again preparing to shake up its design philosophy with the upcoming iPhone 17 series. According to a recent leak from Weibo, the tech giant plans to introduce a significant change to the back and frame design of its flagship device, aiming for a smoother and more ergonomic finish. From Sharp Edges to…
White cars have become a staple on the roads in Pakistan, with a clear preference over other colors. While the global trend shows white as a popular color choice, specific social, economic, and environmental factors make white cars especially appealing to Pakistani car buyers. Here’s a closer look at why white cars are so popular…
Mirrors are commonly found in elevators, but their purpose goes beyond decoration. Practical, psychological, and safety reasons are behind their inclusion. Here’s why mirrors are so important in elevators Creating a Sense of Space A sense of more space is created by mirrors. Elevators can feel small and cramped. The reflection from mirrors makes the…
Saudi Arabia is making headlines yet again with an audacious new project: a skyscraper in Riyadh that will stand taller than 20 Empire State Buildings. With a vision for the future and a determination to reshape its urban landscape, the Kingdom is gearing up to construct one of the world’s most colossal structures, marking another…